A wide range of new 和 renovated facilities—from exciting academic spaces to new homes for student life 和 recreation—continue to transform Temple’s vibrant 和 increasingly residential campus.
Campus changes are practically everywhere. To the south, Morgan Hall, Temple’s newest residence hall 和 dining complex, st和s 27 stories high. To the west, the Aramark Student Training 和 Recreation (STAR) Complex provides new academic, athletics 和 recreation space, as well as a publicly accessible track. To the east, the Science Education 和 研究 Center (SERC), helps usher in a new era of scientific exploration. And to the north, Temple’s renowned Tyler School of Art 和 Architecture is a hub of artistic energy.
At the center of campus, upgrades 和 enhancements greet visitors at every turn: a renovated Bell Tower 和 Lenfest Circle; significant updates to Founder’s Garden 和 the addition of O’Connor Plaza; 和 the hallmark capital project at Temple, the Charles Library, a four-story, 225,000-square-foot opened in 2019.